tending our garden-life with two children

"Come to my garden.  Rest there in my arms. 
There I'll see you safely grown and on your way."

 -Secret Garden

Two months ago, Jonathan and I joyfully stepped into our new roles as parents of two children. We're still very much adjusting and tweaking our approaches to, well, everything. Our marriage, our budget, our time, our daily routine. It's been a dance for sure and one that I'm not sure we'll ever know all the steps to. And maybe, we're not meant to master this. Perhaps we're simply supposed to listen for music Jesus writes and let Him direct our rhythm no matter how much we fumble through. 

I'm finding that life with two children is, for lack of a better word: more. More satisfying. More exhausting.  More grace-inducing. More abundant and beautiful and messy and good all at once. 

There have been moments when I feel my knees buckling--at both the good and hard--intensity of what our life can look like. 

"They both need all of me right now." I can't do this. 

"They both need all of me right now." Isn't that wonderful?

As I've mentioned before, Jonathan works a demanding job (twelve hour shifts, three in row, alternating between day shift and night shift each time, plus a thirty minute commute). To say it mentally and physically exhausts him is an understatement.

While we're thankful for the income, we're hollow inside from the stress of it. It drains both of us to work alone for such long periods at the different roles we have in our family. Since Scout came, the fight to invest in time together as been at an all time high. There has been little communication which has led to miscommunication (which is a nice way of saying we've fought over stupid stuff a lot). But there's also been lots of "I'm sorry's" and napping together because, in our family, we believe that sleep and apologies can fix just about an relational problem. 

For me, parenting two children is easier than I thought because I've got more experience and confidence than I did my first time. And parenting two children is also harder because it required more of me than thought it would. Also, I'm more tired now. But am I allowed to say it's a good tired? As in, when I finally climb into bed and the fatigue I've been ignoring for hours settles on me like a heavy blanket, I feel two things: pride and thankfulness. I'm proud of how hard I work each day and I'm soul-deep thankful that Jesus gives me the ability to do it all. 

@brittanymramussen asked me on Instagram how I handle bedtime routines with both children. It's gotten a bit easier now but, at first it was really hard! Babywearing definitely helped on the nights Jonathan had to work. There were several nights of me putting Scout in the Solly and then singing Behr his lullaby while carrying both of them. It was exhausting, but doable. Now, because Scout is more predictable, I start Behr's routine about 40 minutes earlier than I used to. That way I can at least get Behr down and then tend to Scout. Sometimes that means she has to cry for a few minutes while I'm tucking him in, which I hate. But it's impossible for me to be in two places at once. If only! 

Overall, I'd say we're all still trying to figure out our places, Behr especially. He just so happened to turn three and start potty training right after we brought a new baby into his life. It's such a large upheaval of his little world that we feel for him, poor guy. He's very tender with his new sister and aware of her presence but is still trying to understand all the changes. I'm proud of how he's trying to adapt. It's not easy to grow up.

I hope one day we can tell Behr and Scout about the magic that sprouted in our orderly little garden once they arrived. It was as if we had our neat rows all tilled and tidied up and then suddenly there were two delicate, foreign plants that required our constant attention. This one needs direct sunlight, don't over water it! This one needs shade and fresh water daily! This one needs room to grow wild. This one needs a tight pot with dense soil. Prune this one carefully. Let this one rest and root deeply. And on and on it's went, learning to tend our babies and guard them as they grow. What a gift it is to experience this with them! 

So much of what I hear about this phase of parenthood from others who've gone before is that, "It all goes so fast!" And, my oh my, do I agree. And yet, I feel a glory-weight slowing down how I perceive this season. I felt it when we were putting Behr to sleep and I overheard Behr tell Jonathan, "I so happy you're home!" And I then turned around to see him cupping Daddy's face in those tiny, dimpled palms of his. I felt it when Scout's mouth split open in a gummy smile at 4am after nursing. I swear I saw starlight in her eyes.  I felt it when Jonathan pulled me in close to tell about how much he loves my body even though it wears the marks in all the worst places of bearing our children. 

In those moments, I believe God is tethering my heart to this specific time. Don't miss this. You will only pass this way once. Open your heart to see the beauty. You're walking on holy ground now. 

And so if you were to ask me what life is like with a three year old and two month old, I'd most likely refrain from mentioning how tired we are or how frustrated I get never truly being alone because those are small prices to pay for the grace we're experiencing as a family. 

So life with two? Yes, it's hard and messy. But I've never known growth--in any form--to look different. So here's to kneeling down to plunge our hands and hearts fully into the the rich, soil of raising our babies. 

What glorious, needed work we've been entrusted with. 

days of now - family time in Newport, KY

These are our days. 

The days when our babies are young and we are too. The days when they tuck in the nest of our arms and perch on our hips because they can't fly on their own just yet. One day, Lord willing, they'll be grown and we'll be gray(er) with eyes that ripple with the current of the memories the days we're living now. We'll remember these days when everything we did took three times as long. When we had to make sure the baby slept and the toddler had a full belly. 

This week we spent a day in Newport, KY. I know these pictures make it look like we just drove around eating popsicles and ice cream but that's only because it's pretty much exactly what we did. 

Once they're grown, we won't spend the amount of concentrated time together like we do now. Each day is another log entry into a book that will soon be shelved; perhaps opened and fondly poured over in memory, but never lived again. And, more and more I keep thinking of a time that's fast approaching when they'll have problems that can't be solved with simple things like naps, orange popsicles and comfort from mom and dad. Needless to say, I'm leaning hard into the uncomplicated-ness of their little (but so important!) lives. 

Who can know, except Jesus, what our future will hold? But for now, the God who wrote--and is writing!--the grand sweeping histories of all the world decided this: that our individual narratives would meld and mingle in such a way that you can't read one without the other.

Whatever our story becomes or wherever it take us, I'll always be thankful for this part. The chapters when they were small and we were tired and all of us couldn't remember being happier. 

the celebration of simplicity--in partnership with min.erbs

This season of my life is simple. There's an ebb and flow to our days that's teaching us how to love in the simplest forms. It's holding their frames in my weary arms. It's nursing Scout while trying to navigate Behr through a three-year-old emotional outburst. It's singing them both to sleep; one in the Solly Wrap and one in my arms. Our life has been stripped down to the basics of comforting and caring for  two tiny humans. I'll admit that sometimes I resent the monotony (and the intensity) of it all. But I keep telling myself, These are the days, don't wish this away; don't miss out on the beauty in your mundane. 

And I've found that when I lean in--instead of begrudge--the simplicity of what my life has to be for this short season, I flourish. 

Today, I want to talk about a company that's helping me to do just that. Allow me to introduce you to an all natural skin care line (and the wonderful women behind it!) called MinErbs. If you read 'till the end you find a sweet surprise they've offered to all of you! 

There's something about entering motherhood that opens you up to a whole new level of awareness. My senses have been sharpened to the dangers and wonders of the world . I fiercely want my children to be shielded from and deeply enjoy both.  So when sweet Nikita sent me these products I was so excited to incorporate them into our life. Each product is made in small batches using only 100% locally harvested or ethically sourced ingredients. I feel entirely safe using them on myself and our babies to protect and nourish our skin in healthy ways. 

Both of our children deal with mild dry skin from time to time and the Baby Butter has helped so much with that. We keep the Shoo Bug spray on hand for Behr as he enjoys the last days of summer (but not the pesky the mosquitoes and ticks we have around here). And, finally, I'm in love with the Rose & Bramble Toning Mist Spray for myself. Once again, the song of my days is simplicity, so I only use this product and coconut oil as my "facial routine". And, so far, my face hasn't experienced any of those typical, hormone induced breakouts. I don't even wear foundation now and feel completely confident in doing so. 

I'm proud to share about brands like MinErbs because I can personally assure you that they're run by genuine souls who truly about the products they lovingly create for your families. Please take a moment and read their story and why they do what they do. I know you'll fall in love with them as fast as I did. And because Nikita & Simona are amazing humans they're offering all of you dear readers a 25% discount with the code: BREABIRD25 through the end of August! 

So here's to the simple, slow, soft days. The ones that blend together and seep into memory like raindrops on thirsty ground.

What a privilege to hold this sacred space for the ones I love.